What to do if your home isn’t generating any interest

What to do if your home isn’t generating any interest

We often have lofty ideas for our properties when they are on sale and while this is not such a bad thing, these ideas might not pan out as we planned.


According to reports concluded in the past year, it takes an average of about 100 days to sell a property in the UK. What could be the cause? Several factors may contribute to the slow movement of your property off the market and it may be any of the following issues: super high pricing, an inefficient agent, not enough advantageous pictures or even the area.

We all dream of having the most stress-free and fast sale but what then do you do if your home is not generating interest at all or you only have a trickle of people who seem luke warm about your home? We have some answers…

•          List on the right platforms - not listing on the right platforms feels like going to shop for shoes in a store that exclusively sells clothes. You won’t receive any interest if no one can find your property. Make sure that your property is listed online – whether that’s on portals such as Rightmove, the estate agent’s website, or social media sites.

•          Change your marketing strategy - if your property isn’t generating interest then your agent could be marketing it incorrectly. While traditional marketing is great, sometimes you have to look outside the box for some creative ideas for certain properties. Video tours, 3D rendering, great descriptions and more can help sell your home to the right people.  

•          Change your photos - People are often moved to act by what they see. It isn't rocket science, sometimes you are swayed to go for the better-looking option and this is purely psychological. Imagine walking into a dessert shop to buy a specific cake but you had no design in mind; the most appealing design is probably what you will be leaving the store with. Your house is the cake and if you are not generating interest, it might be because your pictures aren’t showing it in the best light. Engage the services of a professional and watch interest soar.

•          Work your property into search tags - there is specific tags buyers use when searching for a property to buy and you will be doing yourself a world of good if you utilise these tags when you post your property. Hashtags on social media, keywords on portals, and tags on YouTube videos can all help people find your home.

•          You have a lackadaisical agent - no one would show interest in your property if your agent isn’t putting the work in. Before picking an agent, you want to be sure that the individual and the agency have a proven track record of success. Do periodic checks, you can ask a friend to pretend to be an interested buyer so you can properly evaluate how your agent treats practical situations. If you are not satisfied, chances are that many others won’t be either!

•          The market – if the current housing market isn’t buoyant, you need a fantastic agent to make up for it. A great agent can generate interest when there’s not much about, by using the correct marketing and working hard. Ask your agent about the current market and what can be done to get around a slow one.

Other factors that you may need to work on to help heighten interest in your property includes: decluttering before taking pictures, presenting your property in the best light using staging techniques and possibly redecorating.



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